As the conference draws near, we understand you will be planning/finalising your presentation.

To enable you to be prepared we advise that each room will be equipped with the following:

  • Data projector
  • Screen
  • Microphone
  • Lectern
  • Laser pointer
  • Laptop
  • Wi-Fi access (throughout the conference venue)

If you require anything additional to the above, please email your request to and we will endeavor to meet your requests.

Things to note

  • Presentation slides should be in widescreen format (16:9).
  • You may use PPT or Prezi to prepare your presentation. Please ensure that your presentation uses the approved GEOANZ #2 Conference PowerPoint template that was emailed to all presenters.
  • You will need to bring your presentation with you on USB and load this to the speaker’s preparation room at least 2-3 hours prior to your scheduled presentation. Please do not send this to Leishman Associates prior to the Conference.
  • If you have audio and/or video in your presentation, please ensure you have the files saved separately as embedding the media does not always include them in the PowerPoint file. This will allow the Technical Team to re-embed and/or change the format of the video onsite if needed.
  • If you are using custom fonts not found in the standard system fonts, please use the “Embed fonts in file” feature found in Save As/tools/save options. This will ensure that your fonts travel with the PowerPoint file when saved.
  • Please ensure contents of your presentation including photos, data, graphs etc. are generated by yourself, referenced or the appropriate owner has granted you permission to include their work for educational purposes.
  • You will be asked if you allow GEOANZ #2 Conference to make your presentation (in PDF format) available on the GEOANZ #2 Conference website on a protected page post-conference.

Presenters T&CS

All GEOANZ #2 Conference presenters, whether invited or accepted via the call for proposals, must be aware of and agree to the GEOANZ #2 Conference terms and conditions, including the speaker registration fee, and the privacy policy.

All presenters must register and pay for at least the day of the conference on which they are presenting.

Presenters are entitled to register at the discounted early bird rate.

The deadline for presenter registration is 29 March 2024. After that date, sessions by unregistered presenters will be removed from the conference program.

Presenters are responsible for ensuring their sessions acknowledge the diversity of the tertiary education sector and provide equitable access for all participants.
Presenters are responsible for obtaining appropriate copyright permissions for all presentation materials, including data, fonts, images etc. Citations and image credits must be included where appropriate.

GEOANZ representative may take photos or record video while a session is in progress. Images and video footage will be used for conference-related communications, post-conference highlight packages, and the promotion of future conferences.